
GulFood Dubai

The Gelfood fair wins as the annual largest for food and hospitality in the world, it is a fair of global delicacies and trade affairs, the Hot Reception awaits its visitors, there are plenty of opportunities to communicate with peers in the industry sector, also a trade, supply for exporters and buyers and exhibitors and visitors and provides a wide platform. Every year more than 4,500 companies from 120 countries and more than 81 thousand professional visitors come to the fair from 172 countries. And they broke the record because we saw the number of visitors and sales because they won the Gulfood 2015 fair, which was a great success at the Dubai Food Festival.


Sial Paris

Sial Gida is the global destination for unique, one-stop catering retail services. This event takes place every two years, attracting 136,000 visitors not only from the EU but also from the rest of Europe and the Middle East, Africa and Asia.


Anuga Germany

Allgemeine Nahrungs- und Genussmittel-Ausstellung (Anuga) (“General Food and Beverage Fair”) is described by the beneficiaries as the world's largest and most important food and beverage fair.